What happens when your donors receive a direct mail appeal and go to give online? Do they see the same personalized suggested gift amounts, or do they see different, default amounts your forms are likely using?
What if you were able to present a cohesive ask across all appeals - print, email, social, and text? What if you could streamline this process, allowing donors to give in seconds with ease from their smartphones? And, what if you could launch all this today?
With BlueRidge Giving, you can! One page. One form. Personalized asks.
Donor with ID 10021 received an appeal asking for $110 or $125.
Link for this donor: dn8.es/suaa/10021
Donor with ID 10023 received an appeal asking for $300, $350, or $400.
Link for this donor: dn8.es/suaa/10023
Giving Page with Default Ask Amounts: www.blueridgegiving.com/demo/personalizedgiving/
Please email info@blueridgegiving.com for more information.